4 Consequences Of Drunk Driving

by James A. Napier on May. 29, 2018

 General Practice 

Summary: Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious charge that may have far-reaching consequences. A DUI conviction may result in legal, educational and occupational penalties.

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious charge that may have far-reaching consequences. A DUI conviction may result in legal, educational and occupational penalties. 

As a college student, it is important to consider the implications of a DWI arrest. Here are some of the ramifications you may have to deal with due to a drunk driving conviction. 

1. Criminal punishments

According to State Farm, a DUI conviction may involve a wide range of criminal penalties, including:

  • Jail time
  • Fines
  • Driving restrictions
  • Installation of an ignition interlock device

The severity of these punishments depends on the facts of your case and the discretion of the judge. If your BAC is high, you cause an accident or your drunkenness results in an injury or death, the penalties will likely be worse.

2. Alternative penalties

A DUI court sentence may require you to partake in an educational or treatment program. This may include an alcohol rehabilitation program, a prevention class or community service. First offenders may be more likely to face these punishments in lieu of harsher fines or jail time. 

3. Educational ramifications

If you get a DUI conviction on your record, you may have trouble getting into or staying in college. It may affect your ability to qualify for scholarships. You may also be disciplined or suspended from a university. 

4. Job repercussions

A DUI may affect your ability to obtain employment in certain occupations. Having a drunk driving conviction may cause you to be unable to operate a company vehicle at your job. 

As you can see, driving while intoxicated may lead to a harsh outcome. It may affect your life in a variety of ways. The aftermath of a DUI arrest has the potential to impact your life for a long time. This is why you should always talk to a defense lawyer if you are facing DUI charges. You may be able to get out of the conviction or at least get less harsh penalties.

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