by Armando Edmiston on Dec. 06, 2016

Accident & Injury Car Accident Accident & Injury  Personal Injury Accident & Injury 

Summary: There has been a boom to the number of cars on the road today. This is due to our expanding population and the fact that it is cheaper to produce automobiles. Since there are so many vehicles around, one can easily meet with an auto accident.

An auto accident is uncomfortable for those involved whether in terms of the damage to the car or injury to the body.  For this reason, it is necessary to get your vehicle insured with an insurance company. At the time of an accident, the insurance coverage pays for the costs associated with the incident.

One should understand the coverage on the policy he or she has. A policy is a contract between two parties, the purchaser of that policy and the insurance company providing coverage for a specified premium. When a policy is purchased the purchaser gets an insurance agreement which is in the form of a booklet that has all the terms and conditions of the policy and provides the purchaser with all the details. Declarations page is very important part of an insurance policy. This page shows what vehicles are covered, the drivers that are covered, the limit of the policy, and the insured's portion of responsibility. It also shows all the endorsements or extras the policy provides for. 

One should also know the terms related with the policy such as premium, insured, damages etc. Premium is the amount charged by the insurance company from the insured for coverage against specific losses. Damages are what will be specifically paid out if a loss occurs.

Knowing the procedure of the claim is of utmost importance. When the insurance company is notified about the claim, a representative will be assigned to handle the claim. The case is then investigated by the representatives who cross checks the coverage of the policy etc. Investigation also involves interviewing the parties involved. The Representative also makes reports of the accident from the statements of the witnesses and the police officer, if any. Once confirmed, damages or losses are noted down by the claim adjuster. Once the claim is fixed, the insured is compensated for the loss.

By familiarizing one's self with the claim process some of the anxiety about the unknown is diminished. Be aware of damages that are covered by the insurance contract and be realistic about the damages that are suffered. By cutting down on anticipations of high rewards you can negotiate a more realistic settlement which in turn brings the claim process to a speedier end.

The settlement you are getting on your claim also depends on the injuries to you, damage to your car and even damage to your co-passenger at the time of accident.

When dealing with Insurance companies it is always recommended to protect your rights by working with lawyer.  While going over the case with your lawyer, try to be 100% sure about the exact chain of events that happened. It will help you get the compensation you deserve. If you are at fault for an injury to a third party, make sure you disclose any pertinent information to your lawyer and advise them of any known expenses they may have.   As you can see, it is very important to get Insurance on your automobile.

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