defensive drivers avoid accidents

author by Heath Clayton Murphy on Jul. 06, 2015

Accident & Injury Accident & Injury  Car Accident Accident & Injury  Personal Injury 

Summary: The prevailing logic that car accidents are unavoidable is faulty. People seem to believe that accidents caused by others are just an unavoidable part of life. Defensive drivers do not think that way.

Defensive Drivers Avoid Accidents

The prevailing logic that car accidents are unavoidable is faulty. 
People seem to believe that accidents caused by others are just an unavoidable part of life.  Defensive drivers do not think that way.  They concentrate on driving in a manner which eliminates as much risk as possible.  Everyone will say that they practice defensive driving techniques, but very few employ all of the suggestions in this article. 

 What is Defensive Driving?

 The standard Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations, ANSI/ASSE Z15.1, defines defensive driving as "driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others."[1]  Defensive driving techniques go beyond the rules of the road and actually assist drivers in avoiding otherwise unavoidable accidents.  Defensive driving techniques generally focus on awareness and avoiding distractions to allow the defensive driver to avoid car accidents.

 <strong>Top 10 Defensive Driving Techniques</strong>

 Defensive driving techniques tend to have a very common sense appeal, yet just about everyone fails to employ each of these techniques 100% of the time.  The top 10 defensive driving techniques include:


                1.      Inspect your vehicle regularly.  Make sure that it is safe to drive and all lights, turn signals and brakes are in good              working order.


2.      Always use turn signals.


3.      Constantly scan the road for danger.


4.      Avoid distractions such eating, drinking, cell phone use, applying make up, etc.


5.      Make your vehicle visible.  Always turn on your lights at night or when visibility is low.


6.      Adapt to road conditions.  Slow down if it is raining.  Add distance between yourself and the car ahead.


7.      Always follow the two second rule and allow a 2 second gap between yourself and the car in front of you.


8.      Stay out of blind spots.  Do not linger in the blind spot of other vehicles.


9.      Go with the flow.  Do not drive faster than the normal flow of traffic.


10.  Avoid road rage.  Do not allow inconsiderate drivers to get under your skin. 


By following these 10 simple rules, you will significantly lessen the chance that you will be in a car accident.   

 Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer at The Law Offices of Bobby Jones

 Have you or a loved one been injured in a car accident? Contact an experienced St. Petersburg car accident attorney at The Law Offices of Bobby Jones today.  When you contact our office we will immediately set an appointment where you will meet your attorney and be provided with his/her personal contact information.  If you do not have transportation or you cannot drive, your attorney will travel to meet you and discuss your case with you. 

 If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident caused by the negligence of another, you should immediately call an experienced personal injury attorney in St. Petersburg at The Law Offices of Bobby Jones at (727) 571-1333 during regular business hours or (727) 753-8657 on weekends or after regular business hours. We will evaluate your case for free and you will never pay us a dime unless we recover compensation for your injuries.

 The Law Offices of Bobby Jones

6570 30th Avenue North

St. Pete, FL 33710 




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