Dressing for a Social Security Disability Hearing

by Jeffrey Eugene Buskirk on Nov. 24, 2014

Government Social Security 

Summary: This article provides information on what to wear to a social security disability hearing.

In order to win you disability hearing, proper dress for the courtroom is helpful in obtaining the desired outcome.  Judges are human. They have prejudices.  These prejudices may be conscious or subconscious.  Certainty, a Claimant does not want to damage their case by merely walking into the Court room.   In order to present yourself to a judge most favorably, the following is a list of suggestions:

    1.  Do not wear hats in the Courtroom. May judges view hats in the Courtroom as offensive 

    2.  Keep tattoos covered.  The Judge may have grown up in an era where tattoos were frowned upon. 
    3.  Do not wear shirts with lettering or logos. This is especially true with attire with names of a sports team.  The          Judge may be a fan of the rival team. 

    4.  Do not wear jewelry or makeup.        
    5.  Clothing should be clean.
    6.  Do not wear tank top shirts.

    7.  Use canes and walkers only if you  need them to attend the hearing. 

    8.  Dress conservatively.  

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