How to Prove That Someone Else Was Speeding

author by Brandon James Broderick on Jul. 27, 2021

Accident & Injury Car Accident Accident & Injury 

Summary: Witness accounts, police records, electronic data, and photographs are all common sorts of evidence used to prove that the other motorist was speeding in an automobile accident. We can assist you if you've been in an accident.

Did you know that speeding is the top cause of accidents on our roads? Despite the fact that speed restrictions are in place on highways to reduce the risk of accidents and improve driving safety, most drivers disregard them, endangering other road users. If you are involved in an automobile accident caused by a speeding motorist, you should gather evidence to show that the other driver was speeding. The more proof you have to prove another driver's negligence, the more likely you are to receive just and reasonable compensation for your injuries.

Continue reading to find out five ways to establish that another driver was speeding.

1. Speak with eyewitnesses

Before you leave the accident area, make sure to speak with any witnesses.

Request their contact information so you can speak with them later about what they witnessed. They were probably aware that the other car was speeding, just as you were.

If an expert witness testifies in favor of your claims, you can utilize this to show that the other motorist is to blame for the vehicle accident. The motorist, on the other hand, cannot deny that they were speeding right before the crash.

2. Obtain Surveillance Video

Where did the mishap happen? Surveillance footage from various locations may show the motorist speeding moments before the incident.

If the accident happened in a community with a lot of commercial buildings, a business owner's video system might have seen the at-fault car speeding down the street before the crash. Similarly, if the accident occurred in a residential neighborhood where residents had placed video cameras, this could be the case.

You can contact the store or residences with video systems near the accident scene with the help of an attorney to check if one of them has footage of the car accident.

Traffic cameras and city-maintained cameras are two other sources of surveillance footage.

3. Take pictures of the car accident scene

You may be able to get proof establishing the other driver's liability for the vehicle accident if you are able to capture photos of the crash site.

People nowadays install dash cameras in their vehicles, which might be useful in the event of a car accident. Exterior and interior cameras, some with 360-degree views, are now standard on newer automobile models, allowing the at-fault driver to be caught speeding.

The first step is for an accident reconstruction expert and your attorney to look over images of your crash-damaged automobile. Vehicle manufacturers and regulatory agencies also conduct experiments to determine the maximum speed at which various elements of a car can crumple in the event of a collision. As a result, the level of the damage can aid in determining the speed at which the other vehicle traveled.

As a result, don't dismiss photographs. They can be crucial in establishing that the other driver was speeding.

4. Physical Evidence on the Scene of the Accident

At the crash site, there could be a substantial amount of physical evidence. This might be used to demonstrate that the other driver was speeding. The following are examples of such evidence:

  • Tire skid marks: Investigators can measure the depth and length of tire skid marks. They may then correctly identify the speed of the two vehicles involved in the car accident using these factors. Experts can compute the vehicle's speed right before the crash using the time it took to halt after pressing the brakes.
  • Road debris: You can also utilize the positioning of road debris to determine speed. Experts can establish how far the debris flew and, as a result, the speed at which an automobile was traveling before to the accident.

5. The Police Report

Witness testimony, driver testimony, traffic cameras, crash site evidence, and other physical evidence at the crash scene are all used in police or accident reports to determine the speed at which each car was driving right before the incident.

A police report can provide precise evidence of each vehicle's speed, the driver who failed to cede right of way, and who should be held responsible.

You can utilize a citation issued by the police to the other driver for a moving infraction, such as careless driving resulting in significant bodily harm. When the time comes for you to file a personal injury claim with their insurance company, you'll be able to use it to prove their negligence.

However, it's worth mentioning that insurance companies frequently deny liability even when all evidence points to their party being at fault, as seen by the accident police report. As a result, while the accident report may be extremely valuable, it won't always help you win your claim.

There is some good news. It's not the end if the report doesn't indicate which party is at fault or is defective in some way. You can verify that the other driver was speeding before the accident by using the other methods listed above. You'll get the compensation you deserve in the end.

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