Husband Seeks Alimony Reduction After Voluntary Move to Oregan

by Joseph C. Maya on Apr. 17, 2017

Divorce & Family Law Divorce & Family Law  Family Law 

Summary: Blog post about a man seeking to reduce his alimony payments after moving to Oregon.

If you have questions about divorce, legal separation, alimony pendente lite, or alimony in Connecticut, please feel free to call the experienced divorce attorneys at Maya Murphy, P.C. in Westport today at 203-221-3100 or email Joseph C. Maya, Esq. at

In the case Wieselman v. Wieselman, a former husband sought to modify the amount of alimony payable to his former wife. In law, alimony may be modified upon a showing of substantial change in the circumstances of either party. The order may be continued, set aside, altered, or modified. This also includes the suspension of payments. Parties may agree at the time of dissolution to restrict the basis on which alimony may be modified.

When the parties divorced, they entered into an agreement containing terms relating to payment of alimony to the former wife and the circumstances under which alimony could be modified. The former husband claimed a decrease in income; he was an attorney and had left his practice in Connecticut to start a practice in Oregon, where he had moved with his new wife and her three children. Pursuant to the agreement and Connecticut law, the court held that a permanent modification in alimony was not proper due to the voluntary relocation and its apparent financial repercussions. However, the court entered a temporary alimony modification order in recognition of the fact that the former husband was building his law practice in Oregon. Regarding a finding that the former husband was in contempt, the court granted a request by counsel for the former wife for attorney's fees.

The court denied the former husband's request for permanent modification of alimony but entered a temporary alimony modification order. The court ordered the former husband to pay attorney's fees to the former wife's counsel relating to the contempt finding against the former husband.

For a free consultation, please do not hesitate to call the experienced family law and divorce attorneys at Maya Murphy, P.C. in Westport, CT at 203-221-3100. We may also be reached for inquiries by email at

Source: Wieselman v. Wieselman, 2006 Conn. Super. LEXIS 605, 2006 WL 618763 (Conn. Super. Ct. Mar. 1, 2006)

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