If a Dog Attacks Your Dog, Can You Kill it?

by Scott Goodwin on Dec. 30, 2013

Accident & Injury Animal Bite 

Summary: Dog attacks can cause anger and grief, but should not provoke retaliation.

Dogs are some of America’s most beloved pets. The best dogs are loyal, friendly, and most importantly, safe to be around. Sadly, we all know that not all dogs behave in this manner. Just like anything else, there are bound to be some problematic ones. Aggressive dogs can pose a danger to neighbors, passersby, children and other dogs. Every once in a while, another dog in the neighborhood will attack another dog- whether the victim was being aggressive or not. It is unfortunate, but it does happen.

When one of our favorite pets is attacked, tensions and emotions are are understandably raised. Any dog lover knows that a good dog is more than just a pet, but a family member- so it’s natural for people to be mad, frustrated and even violent when they are attacked.

If your dog was attacked recently, you may be wondering what course of action you can take. Adding to your frustration, animal control may seem as if it isn’t doing anything. The question may come to mind- can I put down the aggressive, problematic dog?

The short answer is no. It may seem like a good idea, it may seem as if that is what’s best for the community, but regardless of how justified you feel this is not the best decision to make. This is strictly illegal, and could mean you finding yourself in hot water very quickly. Having your dog attacked causes enough problems- getting into legal trouble could cause a lot of problems to your family, and you do not need that.

However, there are a number of other options you can take instead. First and foremost, contact an experienced lawyer. Killing a dog will put you on the wrong side of the law, whereas contacting a lawyer after an attack will place you on the right side- a place where you have the leverage to obtain justice and utilize your rights.

On top of contacting a lawyer, you can get in touch with animal control, who will help you with handling and dealing with the dog directly. They are experts so can handle the dog without doing harm to any dogs or people involved. Additionally, it helps to keep you from getting legally entangled in the matter- allowing you to keep your hands clean if the case goes to court.

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