Is Nexium Unsafe?

by Jasper Dudley Ward on Sep. 30, 2016

Health Care Pharmaceutical Product 

Summary: Risk is something everybody deals with. From driving cars to participating in sports; we all choose to engage in some activities that carry an inherent risk of harm. Why do we choose to do these things, even though they may harm us?

Risk is something everybody deals with. From driving cars to participating in sports; we all choose to engage in some activities that carry an inherent risk of harm. Why do we choose to do these things, even though they may harm us? Because we evaluate the chance of being injured or even killed, and decide that the likelihood is low enough that the benefits outweigh the risks. It’s a simple evaluation that we make daily, without even giving it much thought.

The Risks Posed by Medication

The decision to take (or not take) a certain medication is no exception to this idea of risk. Starting a new course of therapy – whether it’s a common over-the-counter medication, a drug that has been prescribed to you by a doctor, or even a home remedy or supplement – means significantly changing your body’s chemistry. These abrupt changes can cause uncomfortable side effects and impact our bodies in other unpredictable ways.

Thankfully, our doctors are making the same evaluations we make on a daily basis. When recommending a new medication, your doctor will consider your individual case, weighing the expected benefits against the anticipated risks. If they decide to prescribe you a drug, it’s because they have decided that the “pros” will outweigh the “cons.”

Nexium’s Severe Side Effects

However, this logical system of risk assessment collapses when our doctors can’t foresee all of the “cons” or risks associated with a drug. While the FDA strictly regulates drug labeling and most drug labels give a thorough account of all potential side effects, there are occasions when the unexpected arrises.

One such case is that of Nexium, a very popular heartburn medication made by AstraZeneca. While Nexium’s label carried typical warnings of mild side effects like dry mouth and nausea, it failed to mention anything about renal failure, bone fractures, or dementia. Unfortunately, these severe and often life-threatening side effects were experienced by many people taking Nexium.

It’s impossible to make a sweeping statement like “Nexium is unsafe.” It doesn’t cause problematic side effects in everyone who uses it, and often, the benefits gained do outweigh the uncomfortable side effects. However, when Nexium causes severe, debilitating, and even life-threatening conditions, our judgment of its relative safety might change.

If you or someone you care about has taken Nexium and found that the negative effects really did outweigh the benefits, you may be eligible to seek compensation from AstraZeneca, Nexium’s manufacturer. If you think you may be eligible, contact the experienced representatives at Jones Ward PLC, at 888-595-2922 or

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