Motorcycle Accidents – Injured Passengers

by Heath Clayton Murphy on Mar. 20, 2015

Accident & Injury Accident & Injury  Personal Injury Accident & Injury  Car Accident 

Summary: Passengers on motorcycles who are injured in an accident may be able to recover for their injuries.

Florida Laws Regarding Passengers on a Motorcycle 

Florida has very relaxed laws on the use of motorcycles.  As far as passengers are concerned, they must occupy either a separate seat or a seat meant for two riders and they must have footrests dedicated solely to their use.[1]  There is no minimum age requirement for passengers, provided those under 21 are wearing a helmet.  Other than that, there really are no other Florida laws applicable to motorcycle passengers.  I do believe that motorcyclists who carry very young passengers should consider the possible dangers and ramifications of this practice.  Even the best motorcycle rider cannot avoid every distracted, negligent or aggressive driver on the road.  The consequences of a motorcycle accident can severe for any passenger, but can be devastating for young children who are even more at risk.

Motorcycle Accidents are on the Rise in Florida

Motorcycle accidents have been on a steady increase in Florida for the past several years.[2]  In St. Petersburg, specifically, and Pinellas County, in general, motorcycle use seems to be at an all time high.  Countless bars and restaurants cater to bikers and the climate and beach lifestyle seems to go hand in hand with riding motorcycles.  Most accidents involving a car and a motorcycle are due to an inattentive or distracted driver that fails to see the motorcycle.  The most common reasons for single motorcycle accidents are operator error or poor road conditions.  Examples of road conditions which can cause a rider to crash include unrepaired potholes, areas of the road which are degraded, loose stones or gravel and road construction.  Road hazards which are known should be properly marked utilizing maintenance of traffic standards and failure to do so can render the persons responsible for the road’s maintenance liable for negligence.  In any case the passenger is a completely helpless victim in a motorcycle crash.

The Motorcycle Accident Involved Only the Motorcycle

Typically, the injured passenger’s claim, in a one vehicle crash, meaning only the motorcycle, the claim will be against the motorcycle operator.  However, each case is unique.  There may be other contributing factors to liability such as improperly marked road work or unreasonably dangerous roadway conditions.  The existence of such factors can drastically change the complexity of the personal injury case. You will need to discuss the facts of your case with a motorcycle accident attorney.

The Motorcycle Accident Involved Another Vehicle

In the event that there was another vehicle involved in the crash, generally the injured passenger will make a claim against both the motorcycle operator and the driver of any other vehicles involved.  As discussed above, there may be additional contributing factors which will need to be discussed with a lawyer.  It is also worth remembering that the driver of another vehicle may cause the motorcycle crash without making contact with the motorcycle.

Contact The Law Offices of Bobby Jones

Have you or a loved one been injured in an motorcycle accident in which you were the passenger?  Contact an experienced St. Petersburg motorcycle accident attorney at The Law Offices of Bobby Jones today.  When you contact our office we will immediately set an appointment where you will meet your attorney and be provided with his/her personal contact information.  If you do not have transportation or you cannot drive, your attorney will travel to meet you and discuss your case with you. 

Whether you were a pedestrian, a bicyclist, or the occupant of car, motorcycle or boat and have been injured in an accident, you should immediately call an experienced personal injury attorney in St. Petersburg at The Law Offices of Bobby Jones at (727) 571-1333 during regular business hours or (727) 753-8657 on weekends or after regular business hours. We will evaluate your case for free and you will never pay us a dime unless we recover compensation for your injuries.


The Law Offices of Bobby Jones
6570 30th Avenue North
St. Pete, FL 33710


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