Personal Injury Law in British Columbia

author by David A. Goldberg on Apr. 21, 2023

Accident & Injury Personal Injury Accident & Injury  Slip & Fall Accident Accident & Injury  Animal Bite 

Summary: For over 30 years the lawyer's at Taylor & Blair LLP have been helping British Columbian citizens with personal injury claims. We have expertise in the nuance of British Columbia law involving every type of claim you can imagine.

Personal Injury Claims In British Columbia


For over 30 years the lawyers at Taylor & Blair LLP have been dealing with personal injury claims in British Columbia.


Personal injury claims can differ greatly depending on the circumstances of the accident.  For example, while most personal injury cases in British Columbia have a 2-year limitation period in which you can bring a claim, personal injury claims against a municipality require notice to the municipality within 60 days of the accident or else are related claims are barred.  Another unique aspect of British Columbia law is while it is not required for motor vehicle accident claims, for all other claims tortfeasor (or one who caused the accident) must pay back any health care costs paid under the medical service plan (MSP) to the Plaintiff and have that payment approved by the British Columbia Ministry of Health in order for any settlement or judgment to have effect.


We have expertise in all types of personal injury cases, including:


· Elder Care Negligence

· Out of Province Accidents

· Chiropractor Negligence

·  Long-Term Disability Denial

·  Pharmacy Negligence

·  Laser Hair Removal Accidents

·  Health Care Negligence

·  Dental Malpractice

·  City Property Accidents

·  Occupiers Liability

·  Winter Sport Accidents

·  Negligent Child Care

·  Animal Attacks

·  Recreational Accidents

·  Airline Accidents

·  Slip & Falls

·  Loss of Life

·  Boating


In order to build the best case for your client, personal injury lawyers in British Columbia need to get the best medical evidence available.  Taylor & Blair LLP has spent over 30 years developing relationships with medical experts who can provide expert opinions on the injuries our client’s have suffered and the likely prognosis of the same.  We have dealt with every kind of injury you can imagine, including:



Personal injury claims can take a number of years to resolve as often you cannot consider resolution until a client’s injuries have healed and the long-term impact of the accident can be ascertained.  For those clients whose injuries never heal, we often obtain functional and vocational experts, as well as economist experts, who can help project the losses and medical requirements of our client’s going forward into the future.


If you have a personal injury in British Columbia there are strict time limits that apply.  Contact the lawyers at Taylor & Blair LLP today for a free consultation.

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