Vertebral Compression Fractures Caused by Car Accidents

by Matthew Willens on Sep. 11, 2015

Accident & Injury Car Accident Accident & Injury Accident & Injury  Personal Injury 

Summary: A vertebral compression fracture occurs when a bone in the spine collapses because of an external impact.

Vertebral compression fractures most commonly occur in the thoracic area or middle of the back. Thoracic spine refers to the mid back, cervical spine refers to the neck, and lumbar spine is the lower back.

Common causes of compression fractures

Compression fractures of the vertebra are often a result of a trauma caused by car accidents or other types of accidents that exert a strong force on the back. Such injuries can also result from a fall from the height. In some cases, compression fractures can also result from chronic conditions, but motor vehicle accident related trauma is among the most common causes.

Symptoms of vertebral compression fractures

Vertebral compression fractures typically cause sharp pain the back. The injured person may also experience weakness and numbness in legs and arms and the area in the back where fracture occurred. The fracture can also cause pain in the legs and arms.

Treatment for vertebral compression fractures

Vertebral compression fractures may require a healing period of three months unless there are some serious complications involved. Such injuries can be treated with non-surgical treatment, but in severe cases surgical treatment may be required.

Non-surgical treatment

Treatment of vertebral compression fractures often involves bracing, limiting activity, and pain medication. Bracing is used to immobilize the back and support it. It takes pressure off the fracture allowing it to heal. The patient is also advised to restrain from strenuous physical activities such as extreme exercises and heavy lifting. In some severe cases, the doctor may also advice bed res to the patient.

Vertebral compression fractures cause severe pain, so the patient is prescribed pain medication to cope with it. Although the medication plays no role in the healing process, but it makes it makes it easier for the patient to bear pain as the fracture heals.

Surgery for vertebral compression fractures

If the fracture is serious or is not healing with the non-surgical treatment, the doctors may perform a surgery. There are two types of surgical treatments performed to treat vertebral compression fractures. In one procedure, acrylic cement is injected into the fracture to strengthen the bone. Another procedure that is used to treat compression fractures involves placing a tube with a balloon into the fracture, and the balloon is then inflated to correct the height of the vertebrae and  the cavity s filled with acrylic cement to strengthen the bone.


Vertebral compression fractures can lead to nerve complication if there is an increased pressure on the spinal cord or nerve root. The deformed spine can also put pressure on the chest and cause breathing problems if the fracture is not corrected.

If you have suffered a vertebral compression fracture in a car accident caused by another person, you should get in touch with an experienced Chicago personal injury attorney to get an injury valuation and potentially pursue a claim.

Call (312) 957-4166 for a free case evaluation with an attorney at Willens Law Offices.


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