What can ADR help you resolve in a divorce?

by Vic Brown Hill on Oct. 31, 2017

 General Practice 

Summary: Many people think that divorce, by its very nature, necessitates a dispute between former spouses. While stress and discomfort are likely inevitable, a dispute does not have to be.

Many people think that divorce, by its very nature, necessitates a dispute between former spouses. While stress and discomfort are likely inevitable, a dispute does not have to be. Litigation is ultimately unnecessary, and instead of going to court, you may be able to opt for an alternative dispute resolution. ADR, or mediation, is one of the best options for navigating a divorce amicably and effectively.

What if you have multiple concerns to tackle, though? This is actually a great reason to choose mediation instead of litigation. ADR can help you navigate any of the following issues in your divorce and avoid an expensive, drawn-out battle in the courtroom.

Property division

According to Forbes, there are many ways in which to divide property in a divorce. This is a common source of concern, especially if you are in possession of high assets or if you do not have a pre- or postnuptial agreement. If there is any contention regarding how to divide your property, a neutral party can help you and your ex negotiate the situation in ADR.

Custody arrangements

If you and your ex had kids, deciding on custody arrangements may be a difficult endeavor. This aspect of a separation is often especially emotionally charged because both partners want what is best for their children but may disagree as to what this looks like. ADR is a great way to discuss all available options and find the one that works best for your family.

Spousal support payments

You may also need to discuss potential negotiations for spousal support. Typically, if one partner did not work or supported the other's career throughout the duration of the marriage, it may be necessary to obtain alimony while pursuing the training or education for a new profession. Discussing this in mediation can facilitate an agreement that meets both partners' needs.

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