What to Do in a Premises Liability Case

by Gary Burger on Jun. 05, 2023

Accident & Injury Accident & Injury  Personal Injury Accident & Injury  Slip & Fall Accident 

Summary: So what do you do if you fall and you slip and you're in a liability accident like that? That's called a premises liability or slip and fall accident. For those situations, you want to notify the manager, notify the people there, tell 'em what happened. They will often take a report from you, including your name, address, and phone number. Give them your information, tell them you're hurt. Tell them that your back hurts, your leg hurts, your neck hurts, your shoulder hurts.

So what do you do if you fall and you slip and you're in a liability accident like that? That's called a premises liability or slip and fall accident. For those situations, you want to notify the manager, notify the people there, tell 'em what happened. They will often take a report from you, including your name, address, and phone number. Give them your information, tell them you're hurt. Tell them that your back hurts, your leg hurts, your neck hurts, your shoulder hurts. 

Ask them if they have any security footage. There's all these places have security footage. And what they do is they write over each other, they write over the hard drive every 24 or 36 hours. So if you don't ask for it, and if the manager doesn't secure it, that tape is written over and you lose it. And that happens all the time. 

Have them follow up with you. Get their information when you give yours. Get their name, who did you report it to, so you can keep track of that. I can't tell you how many times we contact a store later and they say, “We don't know anything about it.” And if we can say no, they talked to this person on this date, they gave them a card.

After you're done and you leave the store, go get medical care. Go to urgent care or go to your primary care doctor. Go attend to your injuries. What can happen is you think you're fine. You think it's no big deal and you kind of put up with it. Men are worse at that than women, but sometimes women just are tough. You know? You think you're tough. You don't think it's a big deal, you'll just ride it out.

If you don't get medical, later, a defendant's gonna try to say you weren't really injured. So that happens all the time. Go get the medical care, follow up, continue to get medical care, and then the last thing you wanna do is call a lawyer like me who can help you and guide you through the claims process.

Don't give any statements to any insurance adjusters. Don't give a recorded statement. They don't need it. Go get all your medical care. Call a lawyer like me who can tell you whether or not we can add value to the case and if it's the kind of case we can handle. The quicker you get to what's the better because that insurance company, whether it's a car wreck or premises case or something else, they're working against you already.

I've had lawyers for trucking companies show up at scenes of accidents. You can bet that that manager is already pulling that tape. If it's good, they're gonna keep it. If it ain't, they're gonna get rid of it.

So there's all kinds of stuff going on against you right now when you're fighting big corporations, the big insurance companies. So the quicker you get to a lawyer like me, the better it equalizes the playing field. 

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