Legal Articles, Constitutional Law
Motor Vehicle Search Exception Outlined - Michigan Marihuana & Criminal Lawyer
Outlines the motor vehicle search exception and the scope of such exception when applied by police officers.
Invasion of Privacy in CA
In California, generally, there are four types of invasion of privacy causes of action: 1. Public Disclosure of Private Facts; 2. Intrusion into Private Matters; 3. Misappropriation of Person's Name or Likeness; and 4. Portraying a Person in a False Light.
SCOTUS Holds Law Requiring DNA Samples Upon Arrest Constitutional
Discussing the Supreme Court's recent decision in Maryland v King which upheld a state law requiring anyone arrested for a violent felony to provide a DNA sample.
Restoring Your Firearm Rights After Being Convicted of a Felony
Detailing how you can retain your right to use and possess a firearm after being convicted of a felony. Discusses the waiting periods and procedures.
What to do When the Police Pull You Over
A guide on what to do when the police pull you over whether it's for speeding, traffic infractions, or suspicion of a DUI.
When Can the Police Legally Search You
A guide on when the police can legally search you and what is needed so the police can legally search you pursuant to the Fourth Amendment.
Search Warrant Exceptions
When the police can search you and seize evicence without getting a search warrant.
Miranda Warnings
What the Miranda Warnings are, when they apply, and what the consequences of a Miranda violation is.
When Does An Employee Unreasonably Fail To Take Advantage
A brief analysis of employee duties to report harassment or discrimination by supervisors in the workplace, including the consequence of not doing so in a timely manner
Woodham v. City of Atlanta
Landmark decision of the Supreme Court of Georgia, unanimously reversing the trial court 7-0, holding that the diversion of school tax dollars to fund non-educational purposes in the BeltLine TAD violated the Educational Purpose Clause of the 1983 Georgia Constitution.