Legal Articles, Employment Contracts
Missouri Workers’ Compensation Death Benefits
Most people know that workers' compensation is the settlement you get for work-related injuries or illnesses. However, did you know that Missouri workers' comp also awards death benefits for your dependents if you lose your life on the job? That's right; immediate family members and dependents can file a worker's comp claim if their breadwinner dies while on the line of duty.
9 Technical Workers Comp Terms You Should Understand
There are many technical terms that may be used during the workers compensation claims process. They can be confusing. Here are nine technical terms that are often used in workers' comp and what they mean.
5 Things Missouri Workers Compensation Generally Doesn't Cover
even if your employer offers worker’s comp insurance, it doesn’t mean you are always covered by it. There are many instances where an injury or illness can fall outside of this program.
Bringing The Spirit of the Me Too Movement to Trans-Pacific Businesses
As more women achieve positions of leadership and equal decision making in every level of society, they are bringing meaningful benefits to businesses, governments, and communities. But the movement for gender equity in the West, as seen most significantly in the #MeToo movement, offers helpful insight into how international businesses can move forward on this front. By integrating these new gender norms into their company cultures, trans-Pacific businesses and businesses with operations in China can both improve operations and reduce legal risk. Rethinking corporate policies and integrating a corporate culture that prioritizes gender equality in corporate practices will help mitigate risk in the workplace for women. These protections include implementing policies against hostile work environments, non-discriminatory pay structures, and an ongoing effort toward stronger scrutiny of improper behavior in the workplace. The list will continue to expand. Also, China's Sexual Harassment Law will help guide companies to implement policies that condone bad behavior towards women. A healthier workplace for employees will build trust amongst workers and give a company a good reputation for being a safe place to work for women.
Who Covers Medical After Workers Compensation Settlement?
If you’re hurt on the job in St. Louis, do you have to go through workers’ compensation to get medical treatment, or does your private health insurance plan pay for your care?
What if My Employer Doesn’t Have Workers’ Comp Insurance?
If your employer is knowingly breaking the law by avoiding St. Louis’ workers' comp insurance, they are putting themselves at legal risk, not to mention putting you at potential financial risk if you ever need to file a Missouri workers’ comp claim.
Protecting Women on the Frontlines of COVID-19
Ms. Khanuja, Esq. authored "Protecting Women on the Frontlines of COVID-19" published in the March 2021 issue of the Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles Newsletter.
Navigating Workers' Comp Claims When Employees Work From Home
Ms. Khanuja, Esq. authored "Navigating Workers' Comp Claims When Employees Work From Home" published in the Los Angeles & San Francisco Daily Journal in October 2020 and in the Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles Newsletter in November 2020.
Limiting the Scope of Hikida
Ms. Khanuja, Esq. authored "Limiting the Scope of Hikida" regarding recent case law on apportionment. The article is published in the August 2020 issue of the Executives in Workers' Compensation Newsletter