Legal Articles, Industry Specialties
“Make No Bones” About Protecting Confidential Business Information
Companies in Massachusetts must take proactive steps to prevent the improper use of confidential business information by their employees and associates, or risk losing protection of that information under the law.
Intermodal Tariffs: A Problem of Conlficting Jurisdiictions
The shipment of goods in containers has revolutionized the ocean shipping industry.
Florida Athlete Agent Registration Law
The Florida Legislature has enacted an athlete agent law that has been effective since October 1, 1988, requiring all agents who enter into contracts with student athletes attending Florida colleges or universities to register with the Florida Department of Professional Regulation.
Amateur Athletes and Eligibility
Much has been said and done in recent years about amateur status in sport. As a result, it is not all clear nor understandable. the paradox is that we expect a regulatory standard which varies from sport to sport, through age levels, across geographic boundaries...
Merchandising Agreements for Motion Pictures
Parlaying film characters and corresponding film elements into commodities could proffer participants another financial conduit. Yet, not every motion picture is a proper conduit and not every corresponding merchandise a prudent investment.
Breach of Contract in CA
Breach of contract is a rather nebulous term with multi-layered tentacles. In fact, what is a breach? When did the breach occur? Who breached the contract? Theses are only some of the myriad of questions posed when litigating or entertaining to litigate a breach of contract action.
Invasion of Privacy in CA
In California, generally, there are four types of invasion of privacy causes of action: 1. Public Disclosure of Private Facts; 2. Intrusion into Private Matters; 3. Misappropriation of Person's Name or Likeness; and 4. Portraying a Person in a False Light.
Online Charitable Raffles - Raising Money for your Non-Profit with Games of Chance Online
Is it possible for a non-profit organization to hold a "raffle" online, rather than in the traditional bingo hall or raffle ticket manner?