Legal Articles, Civil & Human Rights
Pursuing A Discrimination Claim In Florida
A brief synopsis of the general procedures for pursuing a discrimination claim in Florida, under federal and/or state law.
Can businesses refuse to serve or employ Trump supporters?
Blog post on the legality of a business to serve someone on the basis of their political beliefs.
Watertown – Fourth Amendment Exceptions
An analysis of the exceptions to the Warrant requirement for the searches of nearby homes after the Boston Marathon Bombing.
A Consolidated Government is Tyranny (Anti-Federalist Papers No. 9)
A Consolidated Government is Tyranny (Anti-Federalist Papers No. 9)
Do what's right, not what's legal...
One activist, in describing his strategy to bring awareness to issues of economic and social justice, indicated his desire to do what is right in the service of justice, i.e., protesting, agitating, and causing a ruckus, although those activities be illegal.
Government, Hypocrisy and Legitimacy
In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in the case of Holder v. Humanitarian Law. In that case, Plaintiffs, Humanitarian Law Project, argued that certain provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act (18 U. S. C. §2339B) were unconstitutional.
African American's Must Heed Call To Serve Community
People of color must serve their communities through public service as law enforcement officials.
What is "Revenge Porn" and Why Is It Serious?
Now that we live in the digital age, we realize that the internet is not written in pencil, but ink - meaning once something is published online, it is there to stay. Until now. It is now a felony in Nevada and several other states to post what is known as "Revenge Porn."
Matter of D-K-: A Great Leap Forward in Refugee Jurisprudence?
In a landmark opinion, the Board incorrectly rectified new refugee adjustment procedures announced in an earlier unpublished decision.