Legal Articles, Education
Can a Child’s Home Be an Appropriate IAES?
If you have any questions about special education or education law in general, contact one of our attorneys at (203) 221-3100.
Which Settings Can be Used in an IAES?
If you have any questions about special education or education law in general, contact one of our attorneys at (203) 221-3100.
Under What Circumstances is a Child Placed in an IAES?
If you have any questions about special education or education law in general, contact one of our attorneys at (203) 221-3100.
What is an IAES?
If you have any questions about special education or education law in general, contact one of our attorneys at (203) 221-3100.
Can a Short-Term Disciplinary Removal Be Cause for an IEP Team Meeting?
If you have any questions about special education or education law in general, contact one of our attorneys at (203) 221-3100.
When Do Disciplinary Actions Constitute a Change of Placement?
If you have any questions about special education or education law in general, contact one of our attorneys at (203) 221-3100.
What Happens After a Manifestation Determination is Made?
If you have any questions about special education or education law in general, contact one of our attorneys at (203) 221-3100.
Special Circumstances When Suspending or Expelling Students with Disabilities in Connecticut
If you have any questions about special education or education law in general, contact one of our attorneys at (203) 221-3100.
Process for Suspending or Expelling Students with Disabilities in Connecticut
If you have any questions about special education or education law in general, contact one of our attorneys at (203) 221-3100.
Reporting Requirements for the Use of Restraint and Seclusion
If you have any questions about special education or education law in general, contact one of our attorneys at (203) 221-3100.