Legal Articles, Products Liability
Slip and Fall Injuries can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. They happen in restaurants, house parties, barbecues, malls, public sidewalks, parking lots, amusement parks, grocery and retail stores. These injuries can lead to broken bones, spinal injuries, concussions, and a lifetime of pain and suffering.
What Types of Damages Do Product Liability Cases Recover?
Serious medical issues and debilitating complications can result from product malfunctions and faulty equipment.
Did You Incur Serious Injuries When You Slipped and Fell?
Below, we’ve outlined what you should do if you recently incurred serious injuries after a slip and fall accident and how you can receive the compensation you deserve.
What Constitutes “Product Misuse” in a Product Liability Case?
In a product liability case, a product has malfunctioned in a way that causes serious injuries to an individual.
When Can You Collect After A Slip-And-Fall Accident?
When Can You Collect After A Slip-And-Fall Accident?
WalMart will not Settle Cases to Avoid Bad Publicity
WalMart will defend slip and fall incidents very aggressively. In fact, it has its own claims department like an insurance company.
Mixing Houston, FEMA, Legal Counsel & Hurricane Harvey
It is suspected that government officials purposely held on to outdated flood maps of Houston to keep housing property prices from dropping.
General Rules for filing FEMA Claims & Appeals
General Article that explains the basics of filing and appealing a FEMA claim from a hurricane or other disaster.
Who’s to Blame When a Product Malfunctions?
Each and every day, you use hundreds of products. From the time you get up in the morning to the moment you fall asleep at night (and even while you’re sleeping), you’re using products that other people designed, manufactured, and sold to you.
What Types of Damages Do Product Liability Cases Recover?
Serious medical issues and debilitating complications can result from product malfunctions and faulty equipment.