Practice Areas

by Lawrence M. Gordon on Feb. 27, 2013

Real Estate Business Tax 

Summary: Very often I am privileged to handle legal matters that combine a number of the practice areas set forth in my website,

Very often I am privileged to handle legal matters that combine a number of the practice areas set forth in my website,

I recently completed a transaction which did, in fact, bring several of these practice areas into play, specifically, real estate, liquor licensing, tax, corporate and contract law.

My retention involved representation of clients purchasing a restaurant. This entailed:

The successful negotiation of the Sale of Assets, Good Will and Leasehold;
• The Tax implications;
• Obtaining a Lease Modification from the Landlord;
• The successful application to the New York State Liquor
Authority for a Temporary Permit and full On-Premises Liquor
• Drafting a Stockholders Agreement amongst the individual
purchasers to govern their rights and obligations in the business,
after advising them of their right to obtain independent counsel to
represent them in this endeavor.

There is a great feeling of satisfaction in completing a transaction such as this and providing one stop legal solutions to bring about a successful result for my clients.

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