Real Estate Attorney Discusses Squatter's Rights in Las Vegas

author by Mitchell Reed Sussman on Nov. 23, 2023

Real Estate Real Estate Other 

Summary: Squatter's rights, also known as adverse possession, is a legal principle that allows individuals to gain ownership of land or property through continuous possession and claim of ownership for an extended period.

In Las Vegas, squatter's rights are governed by specific laws.


The Las Vegas Real Estate Attorneys provide an overview of squatter's rights in Las Vegas and discusses their implications.


Squatter Rights in Nevada


Definition of Squatter's Rights in Las Vegas


Squatter's rights in Las Vegas are outlined in the state's statutes under the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) section 111.010.

Under this section, a person can acquire ownership of real property through adverse possession if they have openly and notoriously possessed the land for a period of 7 years without a claim of right or color of title from the owner.


Requirements for Adverse Possession in Las Vegas


To acquire squatter's rights in Las Vegas, Real Estate Attorneys explain how individuals must meet the following requirements:

1. Open and notorious possession: The squatter must possess the land openly and notoriously, meaning they must visibly demonstrate an intent to claim ownership.


2. Continuous possession: The squatter must continuously possess the land for a period of 7 years. This period starts from the date the squatter first occupies the land.


3. Exclusive possession: The squatter must have exclusive possession of the land, excluding the owner and any other individuals.


4. Hostile possession: The squatter's possession must be hostile, meaning they act without the permission or consent of the owner.


5. Continuous improvement: The squatter must make continuous improvements to the land, such as building structures, planting crops, or cultivating the land.


Consequences of Squatter's Rights in Las Vegas


Squatter's rights in Las Vegas have significant implications for property owners and individuals seeking to acquire ownership of land.

If an individual meets the requirements for adverse possession and possesses the land for 7 years, they may become the legal owner of the property. This can result in significant legal and financial consequences for the property owner, including:


  • Loss of ownership and control over their land
  • Potential legal disputes and challenges to their ownership rights
  • Damage to the value of the property, due to the squatter's improvements or modifications
  • Financial costs associated with defending against the squatter's claim


Legal Remedies for Property Owners


Property owners in Las Vegas have several legal remedies to protect against squatters' rights. These include:


  • Legal action: Property owners can seek legal recourse through the court system to challenge the squatter's claim and regain possession of the land.
  • Recording property ownership: It is essential for property owners to maintain accurate records of ownership and periodically update the property records at the local county office. This can help establish legal precedence and prevent squatters from claiming ownership.
  • Notifying law enforcement: Property owners can report any suspicious activities or unauthorized occupation of their land to the police or local authorities.
  • Seeking legal assistance: Property owners may consult with a real estate attorney to explore their legal options and understand the enforceability of squatter's rights in Las Vegas.




Squatter's rights in Las Vegas are a complex legal principle that can have serious consequences for both property owners and individuals seeking to acquire ownership of land.

Understanding squatter's rights and taking proactive measures to protect one's property rights are crucial in preventing potential conflicts and disputes. Regularly check your property to ensure no one is using it without permission.

This could include inspecting the land, maintaining fences, and promptly addressing any unauthorized use. Keep your property secure with clear boundaries, fences, and signs indicating private property. Regularly maintain and visit the property to demonstrate your ownership.


Keep accurate and up-to-date records of property ownership, deeds, surveys, and property tax payments. These documents serve as evidence of ownership. If you notice any unauthorized use or trespassing, address it immediately. Communicate with the trespasser in writing to cease the unauthorized use and consider involving law enforcement if necessary.


If you're concerned about potential adverse possession or squatter issues, consult with a real estate attorney. They can advise you on specific laws in your area and recommend proactive measures to protect your property rights.


Remember, laws regarding adverse possession can vary by location, and the specific circumstances of each case matter. Taking proactive steps to monitor and maintain your property while staying informed about local property laws can help safeguard your rights against adverse possession claims.


Las Vegas Real Estate Attorneys are ready to help with any real estate matter, such as business litigation, business formations, contracts, property disputes, construction disputes, title matters, bankruptcy, foreclosure, timeshare litigation or student loan adjustments.


To learn more please reach out to Las Vegas Real Estate Attorneys at or call 800-233-8521 for a free phone consultation.

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