Legal Articles, State and Local
Owning a gun in Pennsylvania, like throughout the United States, is both a constitutional right and a significant responsibility. Gun owners must adhere to state and federal laws to retain this right.
What is ERISA and how does it impact my case?
Brief history of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
People v Sanchez
In ruling in People v Sanchez the Court held that an expert cannot relate case-specific hearsay to explain the basis for his or her opinion unless the facts are independently proven or fall within a hearsay exception.
What Types of Cases are Resolved in Maryland's District Courts?
People typically don't think much about the court system until they find themselves on either side of a legal action. And even then, they might initially gloss over differences between the district and circuit courts, considering the terms to be roughly synonymous.
Commonwealth Court Offers Reminder that Land Development Waivers Must Meet Undue Hardship Threshold
The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court recently emphasized to developers and municipalities the need to properly justify waivers from provisions of a subdivision and land development ordinance (SALDO) during the land development process. Link:
Appellate Attorneys - How Framing the Issues on Appeal Defines the Battleground
Appellate Attorneys - How Framing the Issues on Appeal Defines the Battleground
Connecticut Judicial Branch Plans Layoffs and Closures for Fiscal Year
A blog post about changes made to the Connecticut judicial system for the 2016-17 fiscal year.
Husband Gives Child Check For Child Support
Blog post about a husband who violated a court order by making his child support payments directly to his child.
Court Awards $6,544 To Driver Injured In Street Sweeper Debacle
Blog explaining the state's liability for a street-sweeper backing into a driver's car.