Legal Articles, State and Local
Court Declines Interfering in Yale University's Tenure Process
Blog post about Connecticut court declining to get involved in the process of awarding instructors tenure at Yale University.
Mother Challenges IEP for Lack of Emotional Support
Blog post about a mother who challenged her child's IEP on the basis that it did not provide for adequate emotional support.
High School Class Challenges New Attendance Policy
Blog post about a group of high school students who brought a lawsuit against their school for its implemented policies regarding non-attendance penalties.
School Fails to Disprove Young Student's Immunity Exception
Blog post about a school's liability when there is an exception to the doctrine of governmental immunity.
Economic Redistricting Results in 'De Facto' School Segregation
Blog post about how a court has found that some districts in Connecticut have led to de facto school segregation.
21 Year Old Convict Entitled to Special Education, Says Court
Blog post about an incarcerated student who was determined to be eligible for special education services.
Gifted Student's Needs Not Entitled to Special Education
Blog posts about the rights of gifted students to special education in Connecticut.
Citizen Group Challenges State Funding for Education
Blog post about the issue of how public education should be funded in Connecticut.
New Haven's Budgetary Decisions Negate Claim to State Funding
Blog post about the laws regarding funding of public education in Connecticut.
State Sues Unlicensed Law School, Irony Ensues
Blog post about the state suing an unlicensed law school but were unable to prove that it was operating as an institution of higher education.