Matthew DeGioia | Disability and Estate Lawyer | Maryland and District of Columbia

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Estate, Social Security -- Disability, Felony, Medical Malpractice, Wrongful Termination



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Please include all relevant details from your case including where, when, and who it involves. Case details that can effectively describe the legal situation while also staying concise generally receive the best responses from lawyers.

Please describe a case in the last year or two where you made a big difference.

Among the many claimants I represented in the past year or two, the most rewarding was a case where I represented a widow. Her husband suffered a terrible illness which he passed away from. At the time, she was 5 months pregnant. She came to my office overwhelmed and looking for assistance with a disability claim for her husband. My aim was to help her navigate the disability claim and her husband\'s benefits which she did not know he had, giving her peace of mind. Another one was where a represented a federal employee on a long-haul COVID case in his application for FERS disability retirement. After two long years of fighting for his benefits, with multiple denials, we were finally able to get him approved by the Office of Personnel Management.

What should clients look for in a lawyer?

When clients are looking for a lawyer, they should consider several important factors to ensure they find the right fit for their specific legal needs. Here are some key things clients should look for in a lawyer: Expertise in the Relevant Area of Law: Different lawyers specialize in different areas of law (e.g., family law, criminal law, immigration law, etc.). It\'s crucial to choose a lawyer who has expertise in the specific area that aligns with your needs. Experience: Look for a lawyer with a proven track record of success in handling cases similar to yours. Experience can be a strong indicator of a lawyer\'s ability to navigate complex legal issues. Good Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential in any client-lawyer relationship. Your lawyer should be able to explain legal concepts clearly and keep you informed about the progress of your case. Availability and Accessibility: A responsive lawyer is important. They should be accessible for questions, updates, and meetings. You should know how quickly you can expect a response to your inquiries. Reputation and Reviews: Research the lawyer\'s reputation in the legal community and among past clients. Online reviews, referrals, and testimonials can provide valuable insights into their performance. Professionalism and Integrity: A lawyer should conduct themselves with professionalism and integrity. This includes being honest about your case\'s strengths and weaknesses and adhering to ethical standards. Compatibility and Trust: You should feel comfortable working with your lawyer and have trust in their abilities. This can greatly impact the effectiveness of your working relationship. Fee Structure and Costs: Discuss the lawyer\'s fee structure upfront. Understand how they charge (hourly, contingency, flat fee, etc.) and get an estimate of potential costs. Transparency about fees is crucial. Conflict of Interest: Make sure the lawyer doesn\'t have any conflicts of interest that could affect their ability to represent you effectively. Success Record: In addition to experience, look for evidence of successful outcomes in cases similar to yours. This can be an indication of the lawyer\'s skill and competence. Clear Strategy and Plan: A good lawyer should have a clear strategy for handling your case. They should be able to explain the steps they\'ll take and the potential outcomes. Licensed and in Good Standing: Verify that the lawyer is licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction and is in good standing with the bar association. Compatibility with Your Goals: Ensure that the lawyer understands your goals and is willing to work towards achieving them. Conflict Resolution Skills: A good lawyer should be skilled in negotiation and alternative dispute resolution methods, as these can often lead to more favorable outcomes than going to court. Remember that finding the right lawyer is a personal decision, and it\'s important to do your research and meet with potential candidates to assess if they meet your specific needs and preferences.

How important is local knowledge to the success of your cases?

Local knowledge can be highly important to the success of a case, depending on the nature of the legal matter. Here\'s why: Understanding Local Laws and Procedures: Laws can vary significantly from one jurisdiction to another. A lawyer with local knowledge is familiar with the specific statutes, regulations, and legal precedents that apply in that area. This can be crucial in crafting effective legal strategies and arguments. Knowledge of Local Courts and Judges: Knowing the local court system and the preferences and tendencies of local judges can be a significant advantage. This familiarity can help a lawyer anticipate how a case might be viewed and ruled on by the court. Connections and Relationships: Local lawyers often have established relationships with other legal professionals, including judges, prosecutors, and fellow attorneys. These connections can be beneficial in negotiations, settlement discussions, and understanding the dynamics of the legal community. Cultural and Community Understanding: Understanding the local culture and community can be important, especially in cases where it may impact the outcome. This can be relevant in areas like family law, where community norms and expectations can influence decisions. Accessibility and Convenience: Having a lawyer who is physically located near you can be more convenient for meetings, court appearances, and general accessibility. It can also mean that your lawyer is better equipped to handle any unexpected developments or emergencies. Local Precedents and Case Histories: Local lawyers often have a wealth of knowledge about past cases in the area. They may be aware of specific precedents that can be used to support your case or strategies that have been successful in similar situations. Navigating Administrative Processes: In some legal matters, particularly administrative or regulatory cases, knowledge of local agencies, their procedures, and the individuals involved can be crucial. However, it\'s important to note that while local knowledge can be valuable, it\'s not always an absolute requirement. In some cases, particularly those involving federal or international law, a lawyer\'s expertise in a specific area of law may be more critical than their familiarity with a particular locality. Ultimately, the importance of local knowledge will depend on the specific circumstances of your case. It\'s advisable to discuss this with potential lawyers during the selection process to ensure they have the appropriate expertise for your situation.

What information can you provide in a free phone consultation?

During our initial consultation, I can offer you various types of information to help you understand your legal situation and evaluate your options. Here are some of the key things I can discuss: Legal Analysis: I\'ll provide you with an initial assessment of your legal situation, explaining the relevant laws, regulations, and potential legal issues that pertain to your case. Case Evaluation: Based on the information you provide, I can give you an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of your case. I\'ll also discuss potential challenges and risks. Legal Options: I\'ll outline the various legal options available to you. This could include strategies for negotiation, settlement, mediation, or litigation. Potential Outcomes: I\'ll discuss the range of possible outcomes for your case, including best-case and worst-case scenarios. I\'ll also provide a realistic assessment of what you can expect. Procedures and Timelines: I\'ll explain the steps involved in the legal process, as well as the expected timeline for each phase. This will help you understand what to expect moving forward. Costs and Fees: I\'ll provide information on my fee structure, including whether I charge hourly rates, contingency fees, or flat fees. I\'ll also give you an estimate of potential costs related to your case. Communication and Updates: I\'ll discuss how I plan to communicate with you throughout the process and how often you can expect updates on your case. Confidentiality: I\'ll explain the attorney-client privilege, which ensures that the information you share with me is confidential and cannot be disclosed without your consent (with certain exceptions). Legal Strategy: I\'ll outline my initial thoughts on a legal strategy tailored to your specific situation. This may include potential approaches and tactics. Potential Risks and Challenges: I\'ll identify any potential risks or challenges that may arise during the course of your case and discuss how I plan to address them. Next Steps: Based on the initial consultation, I can advise you on what steps you should take next, whether it\'s gathering additional documentation, filing a lawsuit, or initiating negotiations. Remember, the initial consultation is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and gather information about my experience and approach. It\'s important to be prepared with relevant details about your situation so that I can provide the most accurate and helpful advice.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

Being a disability and employment lawyer is incredibly rewarding. I have the privilege of standing up for the rights of individuals facing discrimination due to their disabilities, leveling the playing field and ensuring equal opportunities. I get to empower my clients to assert their rights and seek necessary accommodations in the workplace, which leads to increased confidence and self-advocacy skills. And winning cases or negotiating favorable settlements directly impacts my clients' lives, providing financial compensation, job reinstatement, or crucial accommodations.

What are your other interests in addition to law?

I am a big baseball fan (NY Mets) and I also love talking about faith, religion, and philosophy.

Are you involved in your community?

Outside of the firm, I serve as a Social Security Benefits Advisor for Christian Legal Aid of DC, where I guide and train volunteer lawyers on how to represent Social Security Disability claimants before administrative law judges at the Social Security Administration. I also am active in my local church and am under care of the Potomac Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of America.

Position Organization Location Duration
School Degree Major Graduation
The George Washington University Law SchoolJ.D. Law School2020  
State / Court  
District of Columbia 
  • E. Andalman, P. Casciano, & M. DeGioia, Disability Benefits: 2019 Year in Review © 2020, Maryland Association for Justice, Trial Reporter, Special Edition 2020.

    E. Andalman, P. Casciano, & M. DeGioia, Nuts and Bolts of Handling Long Term Disability Benefit Claims and Appeals, © 2019, NOSSCR Seminar, Fall 2019

    M. DeGioia, Overboard? The Complexity of Traditional TMDL Calculations Under the Clean Water Act, © 2019, 49 ELR 11150.

    E. Andalman, P. Casciano, & M. DeGioia, How To Prevail Under the New Social Security Rules for the Evaluation of Medical Evidence © 2017, Maryland Association for Justice Seminar, Winter 2018

    M. Flynn & M. DeGioia, The Duties and Protections of a Child’s Best Interest Attorney in Maryland © 2018, Maryland Association for Justice, Trial Reporter, Spring 2018
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.

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Update Date: 2022-05-02,,,,,,,,

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Matthew Li DeGioia
10306 Eaton Place, Suite 300
Fairfax, VA 22030


10306 Eaton Place, Suite 300
Fairfax, VA 22030

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