Renay Rodriguez | Chatsworth Bankruptcy Lawyer

R Grace R Lawyer

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Bankruptcy & Debt, Business, Real Estate, Litigation, Income Tax



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Please include all relevant details from your case including where, when, and who it involves. Case details that can effectively describe the legal situation while also staying concise generally receive the best responses from lawyers.

Please describe a case in the last year or two where you made a big difference.

Its not one single case that stands out. . . it is the fact that we have helped over 500 families save their homes or successfully transition to new affordable housing. My Bankruptcy and Real Estate law practice is designed to take people who find themselves in impossible financial straights and to work together with them to keep the creditors at bay long enough to get back on stable footing again. It is life changing. I was inspired in 2008 to do bankruptcy work when a man in Porter Ranch killed his wife and two small children and then himself because he received a foreclosure notice. I realized then as I have always somehow knew, that financial stress can push people to such extreme measures. My firm had made a difference in so m any people's lives. I am so grateful that I was given an opportunity and the resources to help make that difference for these families.

How did you build a successful practice?

Honesty. Always tell the clients the truth and deliver quality services. The good word of a trusted family member or friend has been the basis upon which my practice has been built. In this day and age of internet hype, people do not often trust what they see on the internet. BUT they do trust the opinions of people they know. And if the people they know don't know an attorney, people turn to the internet to see the opinions of people they don't necessarily know. If the consensus is that the lawyer is understanding, compassionate and affordable, there is no reason why you can't be successful.

What should clients look for in a lawyer?

I think there is a lot to be said about gut instinct. Before you hire a lawyer, even before hiring my law firm. GO MEET THE LAWYER IN PERSON. Shake their hand, look them in the eye and then LISTEN to what they have to say . . . AFTER they take a good opportunity to listen to your story. A lawyer that doesn't listen won't understand. AND even if they do understand, then you have to make sure they know what they are doing. If the lawyer is willing to brainstorm with you to help you understand your problem and the services you need then you probably have a good lawyer to work with. However in the end. . . trust your gut instincts. . . if its too good to be true...believe that its too good to be true and move on.

How important is local knowledge to the success of your cases?

Every court has its own particularities...I know from experience when I don't regularly practice in a courthouse were my clients have a case pending then I know that unexpected things can happen. I will take the time to go spend time in a Judges' courtroom to see how the judge views his cases and what particularities that Judge has. It can make a tremendous difference in the success of a case.

What information can you provide in a free phone consultation?

In some cases, it is necessary to provide a full consultation by telephone. It can be done through emailing of documents and possibly even using videoconferencing technology, which I do have available. However, my strong preference is to always meet the person IN PERSON so they can have the full experience of meeting me and my staff so they know in their heart that it will be a good fit.

What information do you need in a free phone consultation?

Depends on the case. If documents have to be looked at, then they need to be emailed to me in advance.

What differentiates you from other lawyers in your community?

I know that many people don't have a very good opinion about attorneys on the whole. I would like to think I am different from the general opinion of lawyers in that I have experienced some of the worst of what life has to offer in being homeless for a period of time in my young life. I have been through a lot. This gives me a lot of compassion for what people are dealing with in the world. I know what its like to need services and not being able to afford them. I nearly always find a way to help people to come up with a plan that together we can resolve the legal issues that face them for a price they can afford and to do it with respect and maintaining their dignity at the same time. But this doesn't necessarily make me different from other lawyers in my community because I know a whole host of attorneys who are just as compassionate, caring and affordable. So really it comes down to personality types and fit. It pays to shop around and trust your gut instinct.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

The fact that at my office we can genuinely help people face their legal difficulties and help get them resolved. To see the end of that look of hopelessness that is furrowed into the brows of the people that first come to see us, and to see them leave with a smile and a sense of hope and purpose is a tremendous gift.

What are your other interests in addition to law?

I love motorcycles. I ride a Honda Goldwing F6B. I have been riding for 34 years and am a proud member of the Motor Maids which is the oldest women's motorcycle group in the world! Through the biker community I have been involved with numerous charity events. I also participate in many charity events through the legal community as well.

Are you involved in your community?

Yes! I participate in various Chambers of Commerce in my community, as well as support many charitable organizations as I am able to given financial and time constraints.

Position Organization Location Duration
Chief Executive OfficerCalifornia Alliance for Financial IndependenceChatsworth, CA2010-Present
OwnerLaw Offices of R. Grace RodriguezChatsworth, CA2008-Present
Associate AttorneyThe Law Offices of David Glaubiger2004-2008
Associate AttorneyThe Law Offices of Rosario PerryJanuary 2002-2004
PartnerRoldan & Rodriguez1998-2002
School Degree Major Graduation
Western State University College of LawJD Law School1998  
Pitzer College (Claremont)B.A.Political Science/Women's StudiesN/A
State / Court Date
  • -Committee Member, Debtor's Assistance Project of the Central District Bankruptcy Court (2012-Present)

    -Member, American Bankruptcy Institute (2008-Present)

    -Member, Central District Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney's Association

    -Member, National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys

    -Member, San Fernando Valley Bar Association (2008-Present)

    -Member, Los Angeles County Bar Association (19980-Present)
  • Honor Roll for Pro Bono Volunteers, United States Bankruptcy Court-Central District of California (2011)
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Lawyers with longer memberships tend to have more experience so we use the Membership date to help prioritize lawyer listings on search pages.

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Fee: Call today for a free consultation.

Service Type: Private

Language: Spanish,,,,,,,,

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R Grace Rodriguez
21000 Devonshire Street
Suite 111
Chatsworth, CA 91311


21000 Devonshire Street
Suite 111
Chatsworth, CA 91311

Other Locations:
  • Serving Chatsworth, CA and the surrounding area.




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