Robert Ross Fogg | Buffalo Criminal Defense Lawyer | New York

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Immigration, Criminal, General Practice


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Attorney Robert Ross Fogg is a proven advocate, both inside and outside of the courtroom. A consummate professional dedicated to serving his clients, Attorney Fogg has successfully litigated a series of notable cases throughout his decade of practice. Mr. Fogg also volunteers his time and expertise as a legal expert and motivational speaker for various community and civic organizations.

Originally from New York City, Mr. Fogg first moved to Buffalo in 1981 to pursue a degree in Architectural Engineering at the University at Buffalo. Having earned several math and science awards in High School, Mr. Fogg’s choice in an undergraduate major was a reflection of his innate talent as a mathematician and visual artist. “An Attorney or Engineer seemed to match my personality and abilities,” Fogg explains. “Becoming an Attorney was always in the background, even in High School.”

Over the next 21 years, Mr. Fogg would find life taking him in several unplanned directions. Making the best out of every circumstance, Mr. Fogg spent his time working, serving his country, and pursuing his education.

A United Stated Military Veteran, Mr. Fogg served 6 years active duty in the U.S. Navy. During his tenure he worked as an Electronic Technician on the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, the U.S.S Theodore Roosevelt and other aircraft carriers. His dedication and talent earned him two Letters of Accommodation from the Rear Admiral of the Sixth Fleet (1987 and 1988) during his 6-year term, after which he received an honorable discharge.

As an undergrad, Mr. Fogg’s writing talent and analytical skills were noticed by his political science professor. The instructor encouraged Fogg to apply for a position as Intern Clerk with the New York State Legislature. Mr. Fogg was able to secure the prestigious position, which served as a reinforcing catalyst in his pursuit of a law career.

Robert Fogg was the first person in his family to graduate from college. He graduated Suma Cum Laude from the New York Institute of Technology with a Bachelors of Science in 1991, and was accepted into University at Buffalo Law School in 1992.

In 1995, Mr. Fogg was selected among many competing law students to become one of six members of the University at Buffalo Law School’s National Trial Team for the 1995-1996 National Trial Advocacy Team. The competition was held by the former Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA), now the American Association for Justice.During the 1996 New York State Finals of the National Trial Competition in Albany, New York, Mr. Fogg won his trial case and was praised for his probing cross-examination skills and commanding courtroom presence. Ultimately, Attorney Fogg earned his Juris Doctorate in 1996.

While working for M&T Bank as a Trust Legal Specialist, Mr. Fogg was admitted to the New York State Bar in 2002, and earned a Masters Degree in Criminal Law the same year. Attorney Fogg is a former prosecutor for the Erie County District Attorney's Office, and a former Associate Attorney in the Criminal Defense Department of Lipsitz, Green, et al. For the past 5 years, Mr. Fogg has been a general practitioner, focusing on criminal law, immigration, and personal injury.
Among his peers, Mr. Fogg is known for his strong courtroom presence. Confident and comfortable in the courtroom setting, his unique approach allows jurors to feel at ease and enables Mr. Fogg to establish an authoritative presence on behalf of his clients.

A talented Attorney, Mr. Fogg maintains a level of humility that becomes evident when he is asked to speak about his career successes. He maintains, “I just keep doing the best I can, and I try to be better than I was yesterday.”
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University at Buffalo Law School, SUNYJ.D. Law School1995  
New York Institute of TechnologyB.S.N/A1991
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Robert Ross Fogg
69 Delaware Avenue
Suite #600
Buffalo, NY 14202


69 Delaware Avenue
Suite #600
Buffalo, NY 14202

Other Locations:
  • Serving the greater Buffalo-Niagara Falls surrounding area.




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