Owning a gun in Pennsylvania, like throughout the United States, is both a constitutional right and a significant responsibility. Gun owners must adhere to state and federal laws to retain this right.
The CTA aims to combat illicit financial activities, by increasing transparency in the ownership structures of companies registered in the U.S. The CTA requires the disclosure of the beneficial ownership information (BOI) of certain entities from people who own or control a company.
If you are struggling with a medical condition that is negatively impacting your ability to perform your job, there are many different disability benefit programs out there that you may be able to take advantage of (some of which you may have never heard of). This article will serve as a general guide so that you can determine for yourself what type of claim would be best for you to pursue. Here are four questions to ask yourself before deciding what type of disability benefits claim to pursue.
Recently enacted state laws have virtually done away with single family home zoning in California. Except if a property is in an historic district or in a sensitive environmental zone, any single family zoned lot can now contain two units, no matter what local zoning states. The new laws also allow lot splits where previously lot splits were not possible.
A Roselle Park, New Jersey Municipal Court Judge, Gary Bundy, recently ruled that Patricia Dilascio, a homeowner, violated a local ordinance by displaying various banners in her backyard stating, “Fuck Biden,” “Socialism Sucks Biden Blows,” “Fuck Biden, Not My President” Another banner read, “Fuck Biden” with a picture of Donald Trump raising both of his middle fingers. Bundy ordered the homeowner to remove the signs with “profanities” within a week or face a $250-a-day fine. Did Bundy’s order violate the homeowner’s First Amendment right of Free Speech? Most likely
Social Security, a federally run assistance program, provides benefits to individuals who have become disabled. According to the Social Security Administration, a disability is a medical condition or an impairment that limits a person’s abilities to perform everyday activities. When a condition is severe, it may hinder the individual’s abilities to work and function. It can be difficult for a person to live and be financially independent in that case. However, there are benefits available for children who become disabled or are born with certain disabilities.
Scams never go away. 2020 added Covid Scams but the theft of Social Security information is always with us. In 2019 there were more than 450,000 complaints about fraudulent attempts to obtain personal information and steal Social Security benefits.
Representing Social Security Disability clients for many years, we are all too familiar with the scams our clients have dealt with. Here are some tips to avoid being a victim: