Fariba Faiz, Attorney
- Law Office: Fariba Faiz Law Offices
- San Francisco Law Firms
- Law School: Southwestern University School of Law
- Status: In Good Standing * Status is reviewed annually, For latest information visit here
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Ms. Faiz's immigration practice focuses on business-based and family-based immigration as well as temporary work visas. In addition, Ms. Faiz provides consultation to potential investors or agents on matters including foreign direct investment in California and issues relating to compliance with the provisions of the USA PATRIOT ACT with respect to foreign investments and blocked transactions proscribed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control; site location analysis and transfer of foreign employees; California economic development incentives; California permit and regulatory processes and in-bound investment missions.
Ms. Faiz has written extensively and advised on contemporary problems in international political economy including economic reforms in Eastern Europe, economic integrations in Western Europe, impact of the Gulf crisis on the oil market and the development crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Ms. Faiz has conducted negotiations on a global level. Specifically, she has served as lead negotiator and advisor in the Netherlands, Egypt, South Africa and Mexico, conducting talks on collaborative efforts on behalf of her clients with educational institutions such as the University of Pretoria, the Suez Canal University, American University of Cairo, various NGOs as well as international organizations including the World Health Organization.
Position | Organization | Location | Duration |
School | Degree | Major | Graduation |
Southwestern University School of Law | Law School | N/A | |
University of California at Berkeley International Relations & Public Administration |
State / Court |
Honors & Awards
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Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |
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Service Type: Private
Language: French:Persian
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101 California Street
Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94111