Long Lake Trusts Lawyer, Minnesota
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An original work of authorship that is considered published for purposes of copyright law. A work is 'published' when it is first made available to the public o... (more...)
An original work of authorship that is considered published for purposes of copyright law. A work is 'published' when it is first made available to the public on an unrestricted basis. It is thus possible to display a work, or distribute it with restrictions on disclosure of its contents, without actually 'publishing' it. Both published and unpublished works are entitled to copyright protection, but some of the rules differ.
Transferring ownership of property to a trust.
Under some state's probate codes, all relatives of a deceased person.
(1) In the law of wills and estates, a person appointed by the court to take charge of only a designated portion of an estate during probate. For example, a spe... (more...)
(1) In the law of wills and estates, a person appointed by the court to take charge of only a designated portion of an estate during probate. For example, a special administrator with particular expertise on art might be appointed to oversee the probate of a wealthy person's art collection, but not the entire estate. (2) A person appointed to be responsible for a deceased person's property for a limited time or during an emergency, such as a challenge to the will or to the qualifications of the named executor. In such cases, the special administrator's duty is to maintain and preserve the estate, not necessarily to take control of the probate process
An outdated term for a female administrator -- the person appointed by a court to handle probate on behalf of someone who died without a will. Now, whether male... (more...)
An outdated term for a female administrator -- the person appointed by a court to handle probate on behalf of someone who died without a will. Now, whether male or female, this person is called the administrator.
See conservator.
To deliberately prevent someone from inheriting something. This is usually done by a provision in a will stating that someone who would ordinarily inherit prope... (more...)
To deliberately prevent someone from inheriting something. This is usually done by a provision in a will stating that someone who would ordinarily inherit property -- a close family member, for example -- should not receive it. In most states, you cannot completely disinherit your spouse; a surviving spouse has the right to claim a portion (usually one-third to one-half) of the deceased spouse's estate. With a few exceptions, however, you can expressly disinherit children.
Taxes some states impose on people or organizations who inherit property from a deceased person's estate. The taxes are based on the value of the inherited prop... (more...)
Taxes some states impose on people or organizations who inherit property from a deceased person's estate. The taxes are based on the value of the inherited property.
A child or spouse who is not mentioned in a will and whom the court believes was accidentally overlooked by the person who made the will. For example, a child b... (more...)
A child or spouse who is not mentioned in a will and whom the court believes was accidentally overlooked by the person who made the will. For example, a child born or adopted after the will is made may be deemed a pretermitted heir. If the court determines that an heir was accidentally omitted, that heir is entitled to receive the same share of the estate as she would have if the deceased had died without a will. A pretermitted heir is sometimes called an 'omitted heir.'
US BANK NA v. Cold Spring Granite Co.
... Thomas Moore, Ann McCabe, and US Bank (Moores) are trustees of eight appellant family trusts
(Moore Trusts) that brought suit against respondent Cold Spring Granite Company (CSG) and
its chairman and CEO respondent Patrick D. Alexander after CSG stock belonging to ...
IN RE ROSCKES v. County of Carver
... intent to limit Medicaid to the financially needy, many individuals exploited a loophole in the
Medicaid statute allowing them to attain Medicaid eligibility while preserving assets for their heirs
by transferring their assets to irrevocable Medicaid-qualifying trusts (MQTs). ...
Swenson v. Bender
... Carlson v. SALA Architects, Inc., 732 NW2d 324, 331 (Minn.App.2007), review denied
(Minn. Aug. 21, 2007). Fiduciary relationships arise when one person trusts and confides
in another who has superior knowledge and authority. Id. at 330. ...
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