Mr Wayne Kenneth David Mcintosh, Attorney
International, Trusts, Family Law, Elder Law, Farms, Wills
- Law Office: Marin Family Lawyers
- San Rafael Law Firms
- Law School: Others
- Status: In Good Standing * Status is reviewed annually, For latest information visit here
- Licensed: 22 years
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Contact Us - Lawyer Wayne Kenneth David Mcintosh Avvo
Marin Family Lawyers was established by Wayne McIntosh to meet the legal needs of families in the Bay area. McIntosh is a member of the California State Bar, the American Bar Association, the Marin County Bar Association, (Family Law, Probate & Estate Sections), and the Marin Trial Lawyers Association.
With offices located in San Rafael, Marin County, we work mainly in the following Courts: San Francisco, Marin, Sonoma, Alameda (Oakland) and Contra Costa Counties; and in the following areas of the law: Family Law, Divorces, Probate, Wills, Estate Planning, Trusts, Civil Litigation, Real Estate and Elder Law.
We adopt a team approach when appropriate to address client issues, calling in Accountants, Property Appraisers, Mental Health Professionals/Counselors, Medical Experts, Specialist Trial Litigators as Co-Counsel to handle discovery and preparation of large complex cases for trial, Business Evaluators, Financial and/or Estate Planners, Insurance and other experts to ensure the best approach is taken to address our clients’ needs.
Clients often ask, how much will it cost and how long will it take?
Marin Family Lawyers consider legal costs and time as well as the expected result some of the most important aspects to be addressed in the client/lawyer relationship and, from the outset; we are committed to keeping our clients informed of their likely legal fees and costs by providing a written estimate as soon as we are retained, ensuring that the client is aware of the potential cost/benefits resulting from their decisions.
For this reason, all avenues to resolve cases are considered, including litigating all or some matters in dispute through the Courts, Mediation, particularly for family law matters involving minor children, taking a Collaborative approach to settlement through negotiation by the agreement of all parties and Private Judging through the use of a large national network of private Judges, where a private and usually much quicker result is desired by both parties than is currently offered by the public Court system.
We help people who are divorcing, or separating. We address children's issues, such as custody, time share, access and support, as well as property division and spousal support.
We draft Wills, Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts, Durable Powers of Attorney, Advance Health Care Directives and advise on estate planning issues such as asset protection. We are also involved with Elder Law and Elder Abuse Law issues
We assist clients with all issues involving Real Estate Law.
When you are going to end up in court proceedings, you need a lawyer before you end up in Court - Marin Family Lawyers will assist you with your legal needs for civil litigation matters.
Position | Organization | Location | Duration |
School | Degree | Major | Graduation |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Foreign School; | Bachelor |
State / Court | Date |
California | 2002 |
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Sun. | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thu. | Fri. | Sat. |
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WA State Lawyer Additional Information: Firm Size: 2 to 5
Service Type: Private
Update Date: 2023-03-28
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4040 Civic Center Dr
San Rafael, CA 94903